
Program Management

The company was embarked on a strategic semi-conductor development program, consisting of more than 70 person-year involvement with very limited program planning capability. The existing program manager felt overwhelmed by the situation, burned-out and resigned.

Electronic, semiconductor
Client type
Fab-less R&D

Problem description

All the engineers have undisputed skills and knowledge to complete their duties.

The semiconductor development must follow a clear path prior to “taping out”, which refers to delivering a complete and verified dataset to the production factory. A tooling, expensive in cost and lead time, is produced with the delivered dataset, which hinders any possibility to iterate on the features and performance of the product.

On a 12 inch wafer, it's a mere 7800 identical chips that are produced. Each individual chip undergoes a full testing sequence prior to delivery.

Solution delivered

Agile program methodology was used within the boundaries of a careful waterfall structured time-cost constrained program. The major milestones have been set and agreed upon. A tight weekly follow-up was set to closely follow-up on the progress. Meanwhile, a monthly steering committee kept all stakeholders transparently informed about the risk assessment and mitigation all along the program, until successful delivery.


The initial time-cost budget was reassessed and approved by all stakeholders.

The program was delivered according to this updated budget.


Semi-conductor programs are always strictly covered by non disclosure agreements. We take great care to enforce this confidentiality, being aware that it's a critical part of our client's competitive advantage.


Complex projects require to use all the features of complex management tools.

Careful planification
Diana, in her role as seasoned program manager