ESG Strategy
This international airport has already started its ESG journey since the early '90s, recognizing the importance to demonstrate exemplarity towards its stakeholders. Setting the sustainable growth at the heart of the operations of the airport opens a new era set forth by the governance and the CEO of this airport. The target to make a real noticeable difference by 2030, on the path to reach net zero emissions by 2050 is considered as one of the main pillars of its development.

Problem Description
While a first environmental policy was set in the early '90s, its content was missing the latest evolutions and references to Sustainable Development Goals as set by the United Nations. Executing on a 25 year old policy needed a brush-up to tackle the acceleration of the climate change and the urgency to aim for a new restorative way of operating the business.
Solution Delivered
A set of workshops involving a diversity of stakeholders has been launched to describe the airport's ambition and roadmap, broken down in 4 sections:
- Towards a Net-Zero on ground and on airline operations,
- An enjoyable place to travel for users,
- A great working environment,
- A harmless environment for stakeholders
The workshops were assigned the duty to set its measurable objectives and goals, clearly identifying the SDG reference. Doing so prepared the foundation to create a dashboard. Great care was taken to make it maintenable, visually attractive, accessible to the stakeholders and easy to read.
Once the goal and KPI set, the workshops had to draft the corresponding strategy. Starting with a roadmap, the strategy described the path towards achieving the goals, including resource allocation. The financial tradeoffs were arbitrated at the highest level of the management.
A consolidation of the strategies and roadmaps has been gathered into a general ESG policy document. The steering committee is in charge of reviewing the progress and results of the execution. The agenda of those monthly meetings has a fixed structure: progress review, KPIs, discrepancies, risk analysis and mitigation, new opportunities.
With such a structure, the airport is on track to meet their ESG ambitions, proud to position itself as a leading mind of its sector.